Pray for the times of prayer that we have at BOCF that God's presence would fill the room and that we would sense what is on His heart.
Pray for our Government: for wisdom and Godly guidance.
Pray for local government.
Pray for our National Church leaders.
Pray for the Apostolic Church leadership.
Pray for our local elders.
Pray for our Pastors, their wives and families.
Pray for our Youth work and their leaders.
Pray for our outreach team.
Pray for "Lunch with a difference", the workers and the people who attend.
Pray for Sunday School: the teachers and the children.
Pray for our children, that God would keep them safe and protect them and lead them to Himself.
Pray for our young people at school and at University. Pray that God would help them to stand for Him in often difficult circumstances.
Pray for our church services, for the planning, for the leaders, for the teaching, the worship, communion.
Pray for God's glory to fall upon us.
Pray for revival in our church, our area and our Nation.
Pray for the Jericho area.
Pray for our Children's Worker, Lavinia.
Pray for the wider leadership team.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would distribute His gifts amongst us.
Pray for the Worship Team.
Pray for the teaching subjects and for those who deliver the message each week. Pray that we would hear what God is saying to us.
Pray for healing for those who are unwell.
Pray for "Healing on the Streets" both here in Burnt Oak and in Edgware.
Pray for those who are struggling with the effects of Covid19.
Pray for the Counselling Team.
Pray for discipleship for new Christians.
Pray for openness to God.
Pray for "special" outreach events.
Pray for unity.
Pray for the Elderly.
Pray for families and marriages.
Pray for all the meetings and gatherings that we hold at BOCF, that Christ would be at the centre.
Pray that we would hear God's voice.
Pray for holiness amongst us.
Pray for our Missionaries, that they would know God's guidance and strength for the work.
Pray for our Missionaries in Malawi: Alan and Sandra Skene.
Pray for Godly leaders to rise up and lead new churches.
Pray for teachers of the Word.
Pray for teams as they visit churches abroad and encourage local believers.
Pray that all of God's people would be Missionaries where they are, or wherever God would call them.
Pray for Apple Tree: the residents, the staff and the services.
Pray for release and freedom.
Pray for protection from the enemy.
Pray for strong faith amongst us.
Pray for gifts of healing.
Pray for expectation.
Pray for the poor and needy.
Pray for those who are suffering and hurting.
Pray for peace in our world, our nation, our church, and our families.
Pray for personal peace.
Pray for spiritual growth in our lives and church.
Pray for new birth and for the baptistry to be in regular use.
Pray for everyone to move in the gifting that they have been given.
Pray for each of us to reflect Christ to the people we meet.
Pray for our neighbours, our work / school colleagues.
Pray that God would help us to prioritise our time so that we don't waste our energy doing things that are not of His design..
Ask God to reveal more of Himself to us.
Pray that we would be more like Christ.
Put on the whole armour of God that we would be effective as His people.
Praise God for His power and authority and that nothing is too difficult for Him.
Praise God for His love towards us.
Praise God for answered prayers.
Pray for refugees who have fled their countries through persecution.
Pray for brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for their faith.
Pray for the Ark Toddler's Group, the children and their parents
Pray for KidzKlub, the children and their parents
Pray for "Time for Tea"